Society of Critical Care Medicine Texas Chapter

Joseph L. Nates Grant Award Program

  • Requests for applications released: September 27, 2024
  • Application submission deadline: December 27, 2024
  • Notification of award decision: February 14, 2025
  • Anticipated start of funding: March 2025

All questions and applications must be submitted to


The SCCM Texas Chapter Research Grant is for clinical research designed to enhance the care and outcomes of critically ill patients.


Dr. Joseph L Nates

Dr. Joseph L. Nates is a professor at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. Dr. Nates is the Deputy Chair of the Department of Critical Care in the Division of Anesthesiology, Critical Care, and Pain Medicine. Dr. Nates is also the Medical Director of the 52-bed Oncologic Surgical and Medical Intensive Care Units and the Founder and President of the Oncologic Critical Care Network (ONCCC-R-NET), a global organization dedicated to the advancement of oncologic critical care research and education. Through his organization Dr. Nates has been leading the pioneering efforts to establish Oncologic Critical Care as a new subspecialty and disseminate this knowledge worldwide. As the foundation for this objective, he has led and co-authored the first two comprehensive oncologic critical care textbooks, in both Spanish and English languages. He has also established regional and global collaborative networks and organized several Oncologic Critical Care symposiums.

Throughout his career, Dr. Nates has occupied multiple leadership positions and received numerous awards, among them the Presidential Award for “Outstanding Achievement and Leadership for Elimination of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia” from the Department of Health and Human Services and the four leading Critical Care Societies in the US in 2012, the “Bill Aston Award for Quality,” from the Texas Hospital Association, and Distinguished Service Award in 2015, as well as many other research awards during his career. In 2018, for his contributions to critical care, the American College of Critical Care Medicine awarded him the title of Master of Critical Care Medicine. The same year, for his international contributions to the development of Oncologic Critical Care, the Chilean Society of Critical Care and Emergency Medicine awarded him the International Master of Critical Care Medicine.


Preference will be given to individuals who at the time of submission meet the following criteria:

  1. Current member, and in good standing, of the Society of Critical Care Medicine.
  2. Current member, and in good standing, of the Society of Critical Care Medicine Texas Chapter.
  3. Completion of professional training (those in residency or fellowship training may apply with a mentor).
  4. Completed IRB proposal prepared for submission at current institution, prior to disbursement of funds.
  5. Previously funded studies may be considered for extensions of funding but must have met all previously specified goals and deadlines and will not be given preference over new research applications.
  6. Previous unfunded studies are eligible for resubmission and consideration up to 2 additional times but no preference will be given over new research applications.


  1. Research will be completed during the 1-year funding period.
  2. Awardees are expected to formally present and pursue publication of the outcomes of their work. Society of Critical Care Medicine Congress and Texas Chapter annual business meeting are expected venues for presentations. Awardees should provide Critical Care Medicine with the first right to publish the results of the research.
    1. The awardee will be compensated for travel and one hotel night if required to travel for the presentation.
  3. Awardees are required to maintain membership in Society of Critical Care Medicine and Society of Critical Care Medicine – Texas Chapter for the duration of the grant.
    1. Discontinuation of membership in either is subject to return of the grant, in full.
  4. All investigators accepting the grant will agree to comply with reporting requests and applicable regulations for the protection of human subjects in research.
  5. Awardees are expected to acknowledge and disclose the funding in all the presentations and publications supported by the grant. “This study/research was funded by SCCM Texas Chapter Research Grant”.

Instructions for Completing the Application

  1. All applications must be submitted to by 11:59 PM Central Time on December 27, 2024. No exceptions will be made.
  2. All submitted documents must be formatted for 8.5 X 11 inch paper. Font must be Arial or Times New Roman and no smaller than 11 point font for text or 10 point font for tables and figures.
  3. The following items must be included in each application:
    1. Coversheet
    2. Study purpose and specific aims (not to exceed 5 pages) including the following:
      1. Background and significance
      2. Research design and methods including:
        1. Design
        2. Setting
        3. Sample size (including assumptions and justification of sample size and inclusion/exclusions)
        4. Methods
        5. Evaluation plan (statistics)
      3. IRB status (e.g. prepared but not submitted; pending approval; approved)
      4. Proposed timeline (include proposed start and end dates; must be 1 year or less)
      5. Up to date curriculum vitae (CV)
      6. Budget and Justification (not to exceed 2 pages) including the following:
        1. Detailed list of all direct cost anticipated with justification
        2. Note: Only direct costs will be funded. Meeting registrations, travel, publication expenses, salaries, stipends or other indirect costs will not be funded.  Durable equipment and electronic purchases (including computers) are not generally covered but request for specialized equipment purchases or leases may be made. Exceptions to the salary limitation may be made for specialty consultative services for the purposes of the research such as funding statistician support.
      7. Supporting Documentation
        1. Statement from department or division head indicating time and resources will be allocated to ensure adequate time to complete proposed research (please feel free to use the template on Appendix A)
        2. Documentation supporting any specialized certification, if applicable
  • Documentation supporting availability of any specialized equipment or resources, if applicable
  1. For trainees, mentor CV must be included
  2. For trainees, letter of support from mentor indicating a willingness to provide time and support adequate to train and provide guidance with for scientific research (please feel free to use the template on Appendix B)
  3. For resubmitted applications, a summary (not to exceed 2 pages) of changes to the application since the previous application
  • For requests for extension of funding, a summary (not to exceed 5 pages) of previous finding, why there is a need for extension of funding and justification for any new or additional budget items.
  • Trainees are defined as any person in a fellowship or residency lasting a defined period of time.

Distribution of Funds

  1. The award will be given to the institution in the name of the awardee or mentor of the awardee.
  2. A W-9 form for the signatory of the institution will be sent to the institution for completion and sent back to the Research Committee Chair.
  3. Once the Research Committee Chair, Chapter President, and Treasurer have reviewed the completed W-9 form the funds will be released to the institution.
  4. The institution will receive all of the funds at once.
  5. The awardee will be required to submit a report to the Research Committee Chair every 6 months detailing the progress of the project and the use of the grant money with a list of expenses until the project is completed.
  6. The awardee will be required to submit a final report to the Research Committee Chair detailing the results of the project and the use of the grant money with a list of expenses.
    1. Any unused grant money will be returned to the chapter.